Join the NAA

Started at the 1998 National Conference, the National Alumnae Association (NAA) promotes the idea that being a sister of Kappa Delta Chi is a lifelong privilege that continues long after college graduation. The NAA ensures opportunities for continued engagement in our sisterhood via our alumnae chapters, national leadership roles, and mentoring relationships with our collegiate chapters. Additionally, our alumnae are provided with continual professional and leadership development opportunities so they may continue to excel in their respective professions and organizations.

There are many benefits associated with being an Active Alumna (i.e., contributing to our sisterhood via annual dues). Below are a few:

  • Vote in national elections.

  • Serve on National Committees.

  • Start or lead an Alumnae Chapter.

  • Insurance coverage at Kappa Delta Chi events.

  • Serve as an Alumna Advisor to a collegiate chapter.

  • Run for Board of Directors, National Cabinet, Regional Chair, and Alumnae Regional Chair positions.

  • Serve as a Big Sister to a Charter New Member or Graduate New Member.

  • Participate in NAA bi-monthly meetings via webinar or conference call.

  • Be a Graduate Member Educator or Charter Member Educator.

  • Pay a reduced registration rate at Conference.

  • Give back to KDChi--a sisterhood that has given you so much!

Please log in and under the Go NAA tab select join or renew to fill out a form, so that you may become an Active Alumna. Thank you for your service, and we look forward to knowing you more!

If you do not see the GO NAA menu in your MemberClicks account, please contact to inquire about your status (include your name, collegiate chapter, and graduation date).